http://Pin It eating with Jade: The First Sunday Roast on Bronte Street

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The First Sunday Roast on Bronte Street

So my roomie Kaz and I are once again heading into uncharted territory.. Neither of us had ever cooked a roast before without one of our Mums in close proximity.
But we pushed the countless roast horror stories out of our mind and marched into the unknown.

We knew what we wanted and how we wanted it.. Perfect roast with crispy, salty roasted potatoes and lots of gravy! Vegetables weren't that important but they had to be on the plate to make it feel right.

As there is only two of us we had quite a small roast lamb. Rosemary was then artfully arranged on the meat for that classic roast flavor.

It was placed into a roasting bag along with four cloves of garlic and some salt and pepper.

Then we peeled some potatoes and added them to the tray with a splash of oil for extra crispy

The roast took a little longer than expected to cook. Our oven mustn't be as amazing as first thought.. We checked it a few times as we were worried about over cooking it. But once it seemed cooked we got it out of the bag and wrapped it in some foil to "rest" for about five minutes. We then put the oven up to one million degrees to crisp up the 'taters.

Carving the meat. We tasted a few of the first slices and it was exactly as we had hoped! We had done it!! Perfect Roast Lamb!

The end result.. Awe inspiring and delicious..!

1 comment:

  1. Yummy lamb roast for two! Will you now have a roast every Sunday?
