http://Pin It eating with Jade: Hangover Cure @ Daily Planet Mt Lawley

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hangover Cure @ Daily Planet Mt Lawley

After a big Saturday night, Simone and I went out for breakfast to The Daily Planet

The food wasn't as impressive as last time we went... But maybe that comes down to me being hungover and extremely hard to be around grumpy.

Naz, as usual, was extremely cheery and charming. He is becoming our little breakfast mascot



My hangover cure of choice... Freshly squeezed beetroot, organge, apple and ginger juice

Naz enjoying some sourdough

Sourdough with Spinach, Field Mushrooms, Roasted Tomatoes & Goats Cheese

1 comment:

  1. Lovely morning! And after a good nap you were right as rain!
