http://Pin It eating with Jade: Breakfast at The Dizzy Witch

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Breakfast at The Dizzy Witch

This morning i had a lovely solo breakfast at the The Dizzy Witch Café in Northbridge. The cafe is quite small and very busy and bustling. The kitchen is tiny and seemingly crammed with chefs, though what they create is delicious!

I had the Mushrooms on Toast. The mushrooms were cooked with thyme, garlic and cream and there were three thick, buttery, crusty slices of bread to enjoy with it.

I also had a mug of Mocha was perfect for the morning "zing" I usually need.

As the cafe is on a quiet little street in Northbridge I sat outside and enjoyed the winter sunshine and read my book. I will definitely be back!


  1. Did you change your theme? Nice job on the link ;)

  2. No the theme is the same :) thanks !
